
From a management perspective, the ‘model’ of change leadership we employ has grown from understanding and use of three other bodies of work.

Deep respect is given here to John Kotter, and his excellent work on Leading Change, a small and well respected transformation consultancy, the Bridge Partnership, and the work of Bill Torbert and David Rooke and their work on personal and organisational development.

Our change leadership work, embodied by leaders using every kind of (Pro)Meeting to participatively create change, could not function without the insight and wisdom provided by these practitioners.

Philosophical Underpinning

Our work is underpinned by an abiding belief in the emergence of a ‘participatory worldview’, written about in many, many guises.

Particular thanks is given here to Henryk Skolimowski for his book, ‘The Participatory Mind’, Richard Tarnas for his book, ‘The Passion of the Western Mind’.

Two excellent books that lay the foundations for the idea of Participatory Leadership.

Other key influences

There are very many other very well respected practitioners who work has been an inspiration to the development of our own practice, key influences to our work include:

Lynda Gratton’s brilliant work on ‘Hot Spots’.

Harrison Owen, and his seminal work on Open Space Technology.

David Staus and his work on how to make meetings and collaboration work.

Andy Bounds excellent and entertaining work on clear communication, the Jelly Effect.

Acknowledgement and thanks to others thinkers and writers:

James Surowiecki, Malcolm Gladwell, Willam Isaacs, Gary Hamel, David Bohm, Ken Wilbur, Jim Collins and Jerry Porras and countless other people who’s work has informed the thinking of all the authors here as well as ourselves.

Thanks also to:

Dan Start, Jo Howard, Nick Neilsen, Richard Wilson, Tammy Siebert, Michael Frye, Lynda Gratton, Valerie Hannon, Lee Sears, David Wilcox, Charles Handy, Mike Gibbons, Gareth Wynne, Charles Leadbeater, Sheelagh Douglas, Elizabeth Rouse, Pat Christie, Jan Conway, Liz Kerr, Emiliy Leadbetter, Chris Wainwright, Linda Drew, Peter Hawkins, Bridget Farrands, Brian Clivaz, Paul Crake, Judith Hemming, Kerry Sullivan, David Young, Penny Egan, Jules Goddard, Richard Tyrie, Jayne Hilditch, Anja Kluever, Richard Eiserman, Clare Byers, Stefan Moritz, Jamie Anley, Jonathan Carr-West, Suzie Harries, Angela Kennedy, Richard Brow, Matthew Taylor, Susan Butler, Katie Christie, Graham Honeywill, Dan Brophy, David Jackson, Simon Milton, Stuart Hampson, Nick Atkins, Harvey Dodson, Kevin Gavaghan, Birgit Mager, Nick Udall, David Grayson, Charles Fallon and Andrew Summers.

You have all helped develop this body of work.

A final thank you to Nick Horswell


© Participatory Leadership 2008

© Participatory Leadership 2008

Facilitating important meetings, workshop and away days
Delivering Participatory Leadership through every meeting